Free pics

The picture to the right is 4.78kb in size. the image was placed here using the image tag and a file path which points to the image. I used the border attribute to create a border with a pixel size of five. I then used the align attribute to send the picture to the right side of the page. I also used the v and hspace attributes to establish an invisible border around the picture. I am now going to attempt to make this text look decent around this picture.


The photo to the left is an f14 tomcat taking flight from the deck of an aircraft carier. the image has a file size of 10.5kb, it was placed here using an (img) tag with the border, h and vspace and alignment attributes. The color of the text should be red. I did this by using the p tag with the color attribute. To find similar photos, go to your browser and use the keyword aircraft.

The future of personal travel
personal aircraft

Research and testing is underway to make this a practical means of transportation.The image has a file size of 7kb. I place it here by utilizing most of the same tags and attributes that were used on the other photos.

Concept vehicles

This is one awsome concept car that was produced by ford. the file size is around 6kb. I placed the image with a border a left alignment and a space which occupies (30) pixels of space around it. The texts has a font size+3 with an italics tag.

ford concept

This picture was taken from a web site called with a file size of 5kb. The picture's pixel size was left as I found it. I utilized the alignment attribute as well as v and hspace to provide for an adaquite invisible space between the photo and any other object or text. I also utilized the border attribute with an absolute pixel size of (2).

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